Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting
The email service, which is an element of our web hosting plans, is handled via a feature-rich Email Manager instrument where you are able to access practically everything you need regarding your e-mail accounts. The instrument is an important part of our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel and we have created it with the idea to offer as many attributes as possible through a user-friendly interface. You'll be able to see all mailboxes that you have made indexed in alphabetical order and with a glance you can see if they're forwarded, if they're catch-up or if they have active anti-spam protection. Setting up any of these options requires only a couple of clicks. By right-clicking on a mailbox, you will be able to access context menus with more complex features such as SPF protection. The Email Manager will also allow you to access the webmail or download auto-configuration files for widely used mail programs such as Microsoft Outlook and / or Apple Mail.
Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated server packages include an advanced level Email Manager instrument which will provide you with access to a number of options connected to your email addresses. Because the software tool is a component of our in-house made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, it also features the same easy-to-navigate and intuitive interface, so you can take care of your e-mail communication effortlessly even when you have never had a website hosting account before. You will be able to generate or delete a new mailbox with two clicks and right-clicking on an active one will give you accessibility to more advanced features for instance forwarding, anti-spam protection and / or adding a catch-all mailbox. More experienced users can use the Email Manager to set up and control e-mail lists or set up SPF protection for a given domain name. From the exact same section you can also access the webmail with a couple of mouse-clicks or download auto-configuration files for popular email clients like Apple Mail or Outlook.