A cron job is an automatic task, that executes a particular action - usually executing a script in the hosting account. The task is planned, therefore it will run regularly - weekly, daily, hourly and so on. There are numerous reasons to make use of a cron job for your sites. For example, you may get daily reports how many site visitors have signed up on your website, some temp folder can be emptied automatically each and every week or a backup of the content may be created in a standalone folder within your web hosting account. Employing cron jobs will help you with the management of your websites as you can get lots of things executed automatically and have reports about them, as an alternative to spending valuable time and efforts to do them by hand.

Cron Jobs in Web Hosting

If you get any of our web hosting packages, you are able to set up cron jobs with a few mouse clicks using your Hepsia Control Panel even if you have never done that previously. Hepsia is very intuitive, so instead of typing numbers and asterisks on particular places, which is the typical method to make a cron job, you can pick the days, hours or minutes a script should be run using uncomplicated drop-down navigation. This is done in the Cron Jobs section of the Control Panel and, of course, you can use the first method as well, in case you are skilled enough and you prefer it. In both cases, you'll have to type in the path to the script which will be executed and the path to the PHP, Python or Perl system files in your account. The latter can be found in the Control Panel and you're able to copy/paste it, still if you experience any kind of issues, you can contact your technical support team.

Cron Jobs in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You're able to set up as many cron jobs as you need when you host your sites with a semi-dedicated server account from us and it does not take more than a minute to do that. Unlike other hosting Control Panels where you have to type commands and use numbers and asterisks on a single line to create a cron job, the Hepsia Control Panel contains an intuitive interface where you're able to choose how often a cron needs to run by using simple drop-down menus to choose the minutes, hours, day of the week, etcetera. The only two things which you will need to type in manually are the folder path to the script file which should be executed along with the command path to the programming language system files in the account (Perl, Python, PHP). You'll be able to copy and paste the latter from the Server Information area of your web hosting Control Panel, so it won't take you more than several clicks to create a cron job within your semi-dedicated account.